Ricardo Rangels Under Attack by Hate Groups

Recently, Rangels, in celebration of his 33-year career, decided to re-release old albums and songs, many of which were previously unknown to the public.

This happened with the releases of albums such as Obscurances I Radeasances, The God of Metal II, Hy Brasil Br-Pop and the single The Sun. However, it was precisely with this last re-release that things became complicated.

Suddenly, Rangels’ YouTube channel was flooded with haters claiming that the song was not his, with only a few defenses.

These haters have organized groups on the web and began mass reporting against Rangels, as they refuse to accept that a Brazilian is the real author of the song, believing in a hoax created by a Brazilian teenager named Gabriel S. V* or Gabriel P.*, who is now an adult. 

This person pretended to be a German housewife with children named Lydia H. and her brother Dario S., who supposedly recorded the song in 1984 at a German radio station. These siblings supposedly joined the search for a mysterious song.

However, there is no evidence that this story is true. It is a well-crafted internet hoax, with Rangels being the real author of the song recorded in a professional studio in 1992. The author sent cassette tapes to several people, radio stations and TV channels in Brazil in 1993, and this is likely the source of the versions available on the internet by the hoaxers. The German radio and DJs have already debunked the story, and the investigation by internet users into the supposed German band continues without success.

Recently, Rangels received an email from a fan with information about Gabriel, comparing his photos with the supposed Darius, and they are indeed the same person. Also, his supposed sister Lydia, using the false names Anton Riedel and Antwon01, attempted to claim the copyright of the song on the Shazam platform. All evidence suggests that these characters are the same person, Gabriel, and each day more proof accumulates in our files.

Finally, our team has already taken a stand against the criminal attacks organized by these hate groups on the internet, which have led to Rangels facing obstacles in promoting his work on some platforms. The legal investigation continues, as well as the demand for the proper adjustment of platforms and financial compensation for those that acted against Rangels without due legal process and opportunity for defense.

Ultimately, the attacks stem from xenophobic, racist, and conspiratorial motives from hate-driven trolls on the internet who have little to do in life but to seek out potential targets to attack and vent their personal frustrations.

Soon, the situation will be resolved judicially, and you will be able to hear all of Rangels' work on all platforms with the due recognition and success that this hardworking and talented artist has always dedicated to his work and fans.

Vulpis Dei omnia vincit 


*Names omitted due to legal confidentiality

Read more about THE SUN






  1. Anonymous15:20


    1. Anonymous17:38

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous12:50

    guess who removed the song
    i am the one who conatcted cdbaby support about your false claim

    1. Anonymous17:38

      You just made an injustice and you will live with that forever damaging a hard work artist who are playing for 33 years. Be proud of yourself

    2. Anonymous17:49

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    3. Anonymous19:50

      In fact you helped Rangels. These companies are gonna pay a lot of money to delete his songs without evidences. We have all rights of this song and evidences. Congratulations for become him more rich. By the way, the song will return one day. We thank you for help us.

      Site adm

  3. You are a fool.


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